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Webinar Series

Analytics AI-ssentials

In our webinar series, get your guide to the future of AI in analytics: expert insights, real-world applications, and 2025 predictions.

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Felix AI Mascot

What is Felix?

What is a Gen AI digital analyst?

Gen AI digital analyst (noun)

A digital analyst powered by Generative AI, specializing in collecting customer data and transforming it into actionable insights.

Felix can help you with...

Faster data collection and insight generation

Support as another teammate

Driving action instead of getting bogged down in reviews

Felix won't...

Take credit for your work

Call in sick

Only send you “hey” Slacks

Learn more about the product

Webinar Series

Analytics AI-ssentials

In our webinar series, get your guide to the future of AI in analytics: expert insights, real-world applications, and 2025 predictions.