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Lululemon makes a million-dollar digital impact.

Quantum Metric enabled the retailer to identify and diagnose critical checkout issues quickly and easily.

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CX & VOC,Product,Technology




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Tens of millionsof revenue impact


Real-timecustomer visibility

Identifying and resolving fatal checkout errors.

One of the focuses for the digital team at lululemon is translating their great in-store experience to an equally great online experience. Quantum Metric allows the team to identify the biggest areas of opportunity with their digital experience and prioritize what to address first.

One such opportunity was with fatal errors in their checkout flow which was leading customers to abandon their cart and even the website.


  • Data validation issue: Through Quantum Metric, the team identified several issues where customers struggled to input data or the system could not validate that data and delivered error messages back to the customer.
  • Revenue results: The team systematically chipped away at the errors for a multi-tens of millions dollar impact.

Quantum Metric has helped lululemon systematically chip away at checkout errors, which has had a multi-tens of millions of dollars in revenue impact.

Danny Ryder/Chief Digital Officer

Continuous visibility for continuous improvement.

The team is also constantly looking at new ways to improve their experience, and monitoring for what’s working and what’s not. When rolling out new features, the team uses Quantum Metric for monitoring and gaining real-time visibility into the guest experience.

The implementation of Quantum Metric was very easy for us. We were able to get it live on site quickly, and as a result got a lot of great insights out-of-the-box. We were able to start actioning on those issues and opportunities to start driving value to our guests and revenue.

Danny Ryder/Chief Digital Officer