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Data Privacy Framework Applicant Privacy Policy

LAST UPDATED: October 24, 2023

Quantum Metric, Inc. in the United States (“Quantum US,” “we,” or “our) has created this Data Privacy Framework Applicant Privacy Policy (the “DPF Applicant Privacy Policy”) to help you learn about how we handle the Personal Information of applicants that we receive from our affiliates and/or business customers/partners located in the European Economic Area (the “EEA”), the United Kingdom (the “UK”), Gibraltar, and Switzerland under the Data Privacy Framework. This DPF Applicant Privacy Policy supplements our Applicant Privacy Policy. Unless specifically defined in this policy, the terms in this DPF Applicant Privacy Policy have the same meaning as in our Applicant Privacy Policy.

Quantum US has certified to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, the UK Extension to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, and the Swiss-US Data Privacy Framework (collectively “DPF”) with regard to the processing of Personal Information received from the EEA, the UK, Gibraltar, and Switzerland, and we are committed to adhering to the DPF Principles for Personal Information covered by this DPF Applicant Privacy Policy. More information about the DPF, including the list of certified organizations, can be found at https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/. This DPF Applicant Privacy Policy applies to Quantum US.

Personal Information Received From the EEA, UK, Gibraltar, and Switzerland

Quantum US may receive Personal Information from entities in the EEA, the UK, Gibraltar, and Switzerland as described in our Applicant Privacy Policy.

Use of Personal Information

Any Personal Information sent to us may be used by Quantum US and its agents and service providers for the purposes indicated in Quantum’s Applicant Privacy Policy. If we intend to use your Personal Information for a purpose that is materially different from these purposes, or if we intend to disclose it to a third party (a non-agent or a non-service provider) not previously identified, we will notify you and offer you the opportunity to opt out of such uses and/or disclosures where non-sensitive information is involved or opt-in to such uses and/or disclosures where sensitive information is involved.

Disclosures to Affiliates and Third Parties

Your Personal Information may be disclosed to the following third parties:

  • To our affiliates for the purposes described in the Quantum Applicant Privacy Policy; and
  • To our professional advisors, such as lawyers.

Disclosures to Agents and Service Providers

We sometimes contract with other companies and individuals to perform functions or services on our behalf such as hosting and operating the Careers Site, recruiting assistance, and background check processing. Such companies and individuals may have access to Personal Information needed to perform their functions but are restricted from using the Personal Information for purposes other than providing services for us or to us. Quantum US requires that its agents and service providers that have access to Personal Information received from the EEA, the UK, Gibraltar, and Switzerland provide the same level of protection as required by the DPF Principles. We are responsible for ensuring that our agents and service providers process the Personal Information in a manner consistent with our obligations under the DPF Principles.

Data Security

We use reasonable physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards to protect your Personal Information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into account the nature of the Personal Information and the risks involved in processing such information.

Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation

We limit the collection and use of Personal Information to the information that is relevant for the purposes of processing, and we will not process Personal Information in a way that is incompatible with the purposes for which such information has been collected or subsequently authorized by you. We take reasonable steps to ensure the Personal Information is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current to the extent necessary for the purposes for which we use the Personal Information.

Access to Personal Information

You can ask to review and correct Personal Information that we maintain about you by sending a written request to privacy@quantummetric.com.

DPF Enforcement and Dispute Resolution

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the address listed below. We will investigate and attempt to resolve complaints and disputes regarding the use and disclosure of Personal Information in accordance with the DPF Principles.

In the event we are unable to resolve your complaints or disputes, you may contact BBB Data Privacy Framework Program, an alternative dispute resolution provider located in the United States, and they will investigate and assist you free of charge in resolving your complaint.

As further explained in the DPF Principles, a binding arbitration option [link] will also be made available to you in order to address residual complaints not resolved by any other means. Quantum US is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Disclosures Required By Law

We may need to disclose Personal Information in response to lawful requests by public authorities for law enforcement or national security reasons, when such disclosure is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding or court order, or when otherwise required by law.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding this DPF Applicant Privacy Policy, please contact us at privacy@quantummetric.com or 833-QMETRIC, or write to us at 10807 New Allegiance Dr., Ste. 155, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80921, USA.

DPF Applicant Privacy Policy Changes

This DPF Applicant Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time, consistent with the requirements of the DPF. You can determine when it was last revised by referring to the “LAST UPDATED” legend at the top of this page. Any changes to our DPF Applicant Privacy Policy will become effective upon our posting of the revised DPF Applicant Privacy Policy on the Careers Site.